About me

I am simple girl with complex dreams!

Not really, I am a dreamer, a believer and a playful soul. I wish upon stars, find treasures in every rainbow and find beauty in every frog even when he doesn't turn into a Prince.....what to say...well I am just one happy butterfly that adores life and whats to smile.

How would I described myself?

I guess the only way to do so its to say that I'm a product of all the things I've lived and experienced. I live life knowing that I'm looking forward to be a better person, but not taking myself too serious. I love meeting new people and try to keep close by the old ones. Family, friends, old and new flames are the reasons why I smile everyday. Family because they love you unconditional. Friends because they reflect a little bit of what you are and what you want to be. Old flames because they thought you what kinda of person you want to be with. New flames, because they give you the hope of getting closer to the right "one". I'm never too shy to smile, since I still have all my teeth and this is an open invitation to a long lasting friendship (even if you are family, a friend or a old/new flame!!)

I started to be happy when I stopped measuring myself with others and judging them. Why judge others and throw the first stone while you live in a glass house? If you ask me when I was the happiest, my sincere answer will be today and my answer will be the same everyday, even though I can't change the things that may happened, at least I could say 
  I lived my way!!!